Monday, October 13, 2008

Color Blindness

Have you ever stepped back in Time, to a World where things are different than you expected them, or remembered them to be? People change. Languages change, customs, manners, surroundings – everything… Sometimes, Change is good. Sometimes, it’s not.

The Lack of all Color is Black – the Mix of all Color is White. (This statement is in reference to Light, not Paint.) Are you Color Blind? What does it mean, to be Color Blind? And what does Color Blindness have to do with Change?

I should rather ask… Do you see separate Colors, and Groups, or are you “Blind” to that fact? Do you see Black, White, Red, Yellow all in separate sections? Or do you see them all together as One group, as God made them to be?

Simply stated: All Colors are alike – they work together, to make Light! A beautiful combination of a wonderful Masterpiece, made by God. You would not have this Stupendous World, if you did not have all the Colors that God created, in One Place.

This thought has NOTHING to do with the upcoming election, but rather what I see, day to day, in my classroom. I have a mixed one – Black, White, Mulatto, and Hispanic! I love my kids!!! They are each so different, and so special with amazing talents, strengths, and weaknesses too. Day to day, we discuss Biblical things, Cultural things, and Historical things. My children, in My Class, know that I am Color Blind; that I see them as 1 group, but each a special one, completely, without “Color”. They know I love them. They know how Jesus treated both the Jew and Gentile, and the mixed Samaritans. They also know the World in which they live is harsh and cruel.

90% of the Churches in my area are Straight and Strictly Black, or White, or Spanish, or Korean. Calvary Baptist Church is the only Independent, Fundamental, KJV, Bible believing Church in Montgomery that is of a 4-part Mix. I LOVE my church!!! They are a true Christian group of Believers who allow any and all, no matter the Color, or Class.

This is the New “Old” South, as I call it. In some part of the area, the Old Rules still apply, and you are treated according to what your Color is. For example: The other Day, I walked into a store in which I was the only White, besides the Manager. He was standing beside the Cashier at the register (who had a better tan than I did – which is my way of saying she was Black…) and instead of greeting the Person that she was waiting on, he looked past them, and spoke directly to me. After speaking to me, he dropped his head, and went back to working, without another word to anyone. It was at this Point that I looked and noticed WHY he spoke to only me…The Cashier lady barely spoke when I moved up, although I tried to engage her in Conversation. I felt horrible, knowing that because of my Skin Color, I was shown preference.

Jesus never did that. Why should I?

I choose to be Color Blind.

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