Sunday, December 28, 2008

Speaking from the Heart

Job 8:10 - Shall not they teach thee, and tell thee, and utter words out of their heart?

Out of the heart, the mouth speaketh…

What things children say! They are so clear in their speech. The things they say come out simple and straight, and to them, they do not mean to hurt or offend the person to whom they speak.
Several times, mine have started a statement with, “Miss ______, I don’t mean to be disrespectful… but…” and of course they are not at all being disrespectful! They are gently probing an area that they wish to learn more about. They are simply stating a fact that they see with their clear, open, child’s eyes.

Children see things in a light that is dim to an adult. As a child grows, things become clouded, skewed, warped, twisted, and darkened to a point that they can no longer understand as a child.

The Lord wanted the little children to come to Him, because He knew how easy it was for them to trust and believe! Their minds are open! They suck in anything they are told! Their minds are sponges, waiting to be expanded to the hilt, dripping with knowledge, ‘til they are wrung out on some other little one to be sucked up again.

Sometimes, a child can suck up things that he or she should not know as a child, and this causes them to lose the innocence early. War, killing, hate, hurtful words, cruelty. They don’t come up with these things on their own. They see them in others, or in things.

Each child is born with a sin nature. Naturally, they want to head toward the wrong. A baby cries for attention. (I want!) A young child plays rough, snatches, and then it hollers when the toy is snatched from them! (Again, I want!) Selfish little things, we all are.

When a child is given those things that they want, they soak up those things not needed. They are given greed, lust, selfishness, pride, anger, and much more. Instead they should be given love, kindness, a good work ethic, family values, truth, and manners. They cannot tell what they should have, or should not have. That is why the adults need to carefully give them information, and help them discern between right and wrong, all the while, teaching them to make good choices, so they can do so when the time comes.

We are so responsible for the little ones. Don’t hinder, or stop their little mouths. Even if what they say astounds you, cuts you, hurts you, amazes you… think about that they said, and don’t stop their thoughts. Let them come out. And direct them, in the way they should go.

Proverbs 22:6 ~ Train up a Child in the Way he should go, and when he is Old, he shall not Depart from it.

I pledge.....

I pledge.....
Have you hugged a Soldier today:?