Friday, August 31, 2007

Beyond the Bathroom

The other day, while I was watching the kids after school, I had asked they use the restroom before they ate their snacks. 2 of the older Elementary boys were watching the little boys to make sure they went, but they were also fighting about who was going to hold the door! I had had enough, so I called out - "If you don't stop fussing please, I will hold the door for you." From the inside of the boys bathroom a small voice piped up, "You CAN'T! I'M NAKED!" (It belonged to one of the cute little Kindergarten fellas. :o) And you know, that's a pretty good reason too!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

How well do You know YOUR Bible Stories?!?

Yesterday, we watched the Jonah Veggie Tales movie. Today, I asked my kids to write in their journals the story of Jonah from their view points, and then draw me a picture.
While I was in the other room, my teacher's aide asked them why the whale spit Jonah out. This is what 2 of them said...
* Jonah didn't have enough sugar in him
* Jonah was broccoli flavored. Who likes broccoli?!?
Apparently, he took that Veggie Tales video literally! After all, Jonah was played by the Asparagus, but yeah, I can see how that sure could look like broccoli!

Monday, August 20, 2007

English Word, from 9 letters, to 1 letter...

a DATE is a fruit!!!

Every boy or girl has one teacher that they just totally fall in love with when they are a child. Well, I've got one of those, and he is too cute for words! When he was younger, and I was not his teacher, I would tell him that "when he got big", I would marry him! His family got such a charge out of that!!! He's in my class now, just a few years later, and insists that he loves me, and he's going to marry me, and every other girl in the classroom! (He's the only boy in his grade!) Last year at Valentines Day, he proposed to me....

This year, as we were studying alphabetical order, he learned that a "date" is a fruit; that didn't stop him!
"All right, we have 3 words: olive, papaya and date. Which one comes first?"
"Date?!?! I'M ON A DATE WITH MISS ....!"
"No, this date is a fruit...we are not on a date."
"Well, the date comes first! I'M ON A DATE WITH YOOOOOOU!"

Wow. What a day.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Quote by Elizabeth Elliott

If we give out of love,
there is ultimately no way in Heaven or Earth
to avoid receiving,
and receiving more than we could possibly give.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Peace at the Beach

Down south, Rick & Bubba are honored names of two famous radio personalities. And what better, than to use those same names for two special pets! My 1st & 2nd grades have adopted 2 red-eared slider turtles, and named them Rick & Bubba! The students enjoy watching them swim, scoot around, and sun themselves under the heat lamp. They are learning how the turtles take care of themselves, and how they act. One of the high school students is an Eagle Scout earning his reptile badge by taking care of them daily. They need to be fed, checked on, played with and kept in a clean tank. Rick & Bubba are truly the two sexiest turtles alive. :-)

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I Believe.....

I believe that Jesus Christ is the son of God.
He was sent by God to the earth to die for our sins.
Because his (Jesus's) blood was shed on the cross,
or sins were covered, forgiven and forgotten.
That being said, we have an eternal home in Heaven with Christ.
The only thing we have to do is accept that free gift of salvation.
If we choose Christ, naturally we will want to do things for
Him to show that we are His child.
Such as Baptism, church ministry, witnessing and other things.
Being a Christian means that you accept others as a creation of God -
you help point them to Christ by witnessing to them, and discipling them.
You don't judge them for the choices that they make,
but you help them become better people for Christ.
That's basically it. :o)

A story for my kids... since they wouldn't stop talking!!!

My kids (all 12 of them) were in the room making our adopted soldier JP a card, when I was outside using the copier. Mrs. Verble was helping them, but BOY, WHERE THEY LOUD!!! I stepped to the door, and flung it open..."All of a sudden... there it was! It was HUGE!!! About twice my size. It had 3 eyes, right in the middle of its head, and a horn sprouting from this side of it's head. (the right side, as I pointed out) It had fuzzy purple fur, and the most nasty, green furry teeth I ever saw!!! It growled a mean, HELLOOOOO. Hi! I said back to it. How are you? FIIIINNNE, came the reply. Whooooo, your teeth smell! Where's your tooth brush? BRUSSSSHHES ARE FOR HAIRRRR. WHATSSS A TOOOOTH BRUSSSSHH? Well, it's like a hair brush, but it cleans your teeth, and they don't get so dirty... HHHHHHMMMPH, it said. Then, it told me that its Granny had made little green sweaters for its teeth, because green was her favorite color. He had worn them every day, and never EVER took them off. Well, I convinced him to take them off, and after I washed them 5 1/2 times, they FINALLY got clean. However, since they were made from angora wool, and I had used hot water, they shrunk. Poor little things just did fit any more. But Monster was okay with that. He finally had clean teeth. The End. (Don't you wish you were back in 1st or 2nd grade?)

I pledge.....

I pledge.....
Have you hugged a Soldier today:?