Wednesday, August 15, 2007

A story for my kids... since they wouldn't stop talking!!!

My kids (all 12 of them) were in the room making our adopted soldier JP a card, when I was outside using the copier. Mrs. Verble was helping them, but BOY, WHERE THEY LOUD!!! I stepped to the door, and flung it open..."All of a sudden... there it was! It was HUGE!!! About twice my size. It had 3 eyes, right in the middle of its head, and a horn sprouting from this side of it's head. (the right side, as I pointed out) It had fuzzy purple fur, and the most nasty, green furry teeth I ever saw!!! It growled a mean, HELLOOOOO. Hi! I said back to it. How are you? FIIIINNNE, came the reply. Whooooo, your teeth smell! Where's your tooth brush? BRUSSSSHHES ARE FOR HAIRRRR. WHATSSS A TOOOOTH BRUSSSSHH? Well, it's like a hair brush, but it cleans your teeth, and they don't get so dirty... HHHHHHMMMPH, it said. Then, it told me that its Granny had made little green sweaters for its teeth, because green was her favorite color. He had worn them every day, and never EVER took them off. Well, I convinced him to take them off, and after I washed them 5 1/2 times, they FINALLY got clean. However, since they were made from angora wool, and I had used hot water, they shrunk. Poor little things just did fit any more. But Monster was okay with that. He finally had clean teeth. The End. (Don't you wish you were back in 1st or 2nd grade?)


Jamie Barrows said...
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Jamie Barrows said...

Very nice. I'll add a link to it from my blog.

I pledge.....

I pledge.....
Have you hugged a Soldier today:?